Happy National Pink Day! Everyone is invited to wear pink even the men can as well. Personally, I have seen men wear pink looking spectacular.
I myself have very few items of clothing that are pink for I tend to veer towards the darker colors but I do have a couple of shirts I can choose from.
You can make a pink cake with pink frosting with pink ice cream. While you are eating your pink cake and ice cream you can watch the movies Pretty In Pink or Pink Cadillac.
Pink is also used for breast cancer awareness which is in October. When it's Breast Awareness Day I have seen lots of ribbons tied to car antennas and mailboxes not to mention on people's shirts.
You can listen to Pink Floyd or Pink wearing your pink shirt, eating pink ice cream and cake. You can make a 'pinky swear' with someone.
Give your bestie, friend, mother, or anyone you choose a pink rose even. All in all, it's a wacky way to enjoy your day.
What are you going to for National Pink Day?
Pink is still one of my favorite colors. :)