Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It's Spouses Day Today

Oh boy, it's Spouses Day today. If you don't have a spouse you can substitute your favorite fur-baby. Or maybe you have a furry spouse or a mousey spousey.

This day includes partnerships, people who may be in a common-law marriage, domestic partnership or civil union.

I think doing little things for your partner can be very uplifting. Leaving a random note, a hug or kiss out of the blue, opening the door for them, just being there.

Here are some ideas for that special someone in your life.:

1. Say, I love you.

2. Send a pretty e-card to them telling how much they mean to you.

3. Make a dinner that they choose.

4. Do a chore or errand for them.

5. Give or make they're a favorite treat.

6. Most important, tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

Enjoy your day everyone. May it be as special as you are.

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